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(W) Joshua Williamson (A) PHILIPPE BRIONES (CA) Terry Dodson

Next stop on the Odyssey-Planet Cyborg! The space-faring Justice League travels to a new world that worships Cyborg, and meets a population that's obsessed with body modification in preparation for a galactic war. Cyborg and Azrael clash over whether to stop the simmering standoff or continue following the clues left behind by Darkseid. Elsewhere, Starfire and Green Lantern Jessica Cruz infiltrate the society's upper crust in order to decipher the second language on the codex.


(W) Mike W. Barr (A) PHILIPPE BRIONES (CA) Frazer Irving

"KATANA: REVENGE OF KOBRA" part three! Trapped in the mystic dimension within the Soultaker sword, Katana and her husband, Maseo, fight the forces of the mad swordsmith Muramasa, who has amassed an army to invade the world outside-our world! "SUICIDE SQUAD BLACK" part three! Suicide Squad Black comes face to face with Sebastian Faust, who naturally makes Amanda Waller's supernatural enforcers an offer they can't refuse. Will the Suicide Squad make (another) deal with the devil? RATED T+