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(W) Warren Ellis (A) BRYAN HITCH (CA) Frank Quitely

As the 21st century dawns, the Authority meets a previously unchallenged class of villains-the power brokers who manipulate the world's political figureheads to advance their own selfish interests. So when the Authority begins to seriously upset their hard-won networks of control, the backlash that results is as swift as it is devastating. This new hardcover includes THE AUTHORITY #1-29, PLANETARY/THE AUTHORITY: RULE THE WORLD, JENNY SPARKS: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE AUTHORITY #1-15, AUTHORITY ANNUAL 2000 #1, stories from WILDSTORM SUMMER SPECIAL #1, a story from WILDSTORM: A CELEBRATION OF 25 YEARS and bonus pages.


(W) Robert Venditti (A) BRYAN HITCH (CA) BRYAN HITCH

Next stop: Krypton! As Hawkman's intergalactic road trip continues, the next location on his itinerary is the ruins of Krypton, the alleged location of the super-weapon that will help him stop the Deathbringers. There, he's suddenly whisked away to Krypton's final moments and meets his past-life predecessor, Catar-Ol. Hawkman tries to learn the final fate of the super-weapon, but the planet goes boom before Carter can get the goods. Looks like it might be time for Plan B...



(W) Robert Venditti (A) BRYAN HITCH (CA) Bill Sienkiewicz

Next stop: Krypton! As Hawkman's intergalactic road trip continues, the next location on his itinerary is the ruins of Krypton, the alleged location of the super-weapon that will help him stop the Deathbringers. There, he's suddenly whisked away to Krypton's final moments and meets his past-life predecessor, Catar-Ol. Hawkman tries to learn the final fate of the super-weapon, but the planet goes boom before Carter can get the goods. Looks like it might be time for Plan B...