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(W) Warren Ellis (A) Bryan Hitch (CA) FRANK QUITELY

As the 21st century dawns, the Authority meets a previously unchallenged class of villains-the power brokers who manipulate the world's political figureheads to advance their own selfish interests. So when the Authority begins to seriously upset their hard-won networks of control, the backlash that results is as swift as it is devastating. This new hardcover includes THE AUTHORITY #1-29, PLANETARY/THE AUTHORITY: RULE THE WORLD, JENNY SPARKS: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE AUTHORITY #1-15, AUTHORITY ANNUAL 2000 #1, stories from WILDSTORM SUMMER SPECIAL #1, a story from WILDSTORM: A CELEBRATION OF 25 YEARS and bonus pages.


(W) Grant Morrison (A) Tony S. Daniel (CA) FRANK QUITELY

The Dark Knight has fallen, sacrificing himself in the Final Crisis. Tim Drake has laid down the mantle of Robin to search the world for a sign that his mentor can be brought back from oblivion. Now Dick Grayson has taken up the cape and cowl of his former partner, and Damian Wayne has become a deadly new Robin. Together, they must overcome a pair of rival vigilantes with ties to their own tragic pasts-and stay away from each other's throats long enough to succeed. Collects Batman #700-702, Batman and Robin #1-16 and Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1-6 in reading order for the first time ever.